Schedule and Links

Public Classes

*Please check Instagram or Calendar for additional substitute teaching slots. Classes at Equinox Sports Club in San Francisco are not listed, if you would like to join me there, please send me an email.



9:30 am Love Story Yoga on Valencia Street in San Francisco,

60 minutes Heated Vinyasa, Bhakti


9:30am Love Story Yoga on Valencia Street in San Francisco

60 minutes Heated Vinyasa, Bhakti


6pm at Yoga Beach on 46+ Irving Street in San Francisco

60 minutes Heated Vinyasa


Free Audio Practices

Practicing virtually can be a powerful group experience- but sometimes you want to put your headphones on and head outside, or close your eyes and just let your mind slip in to the flow. This audio series is currently being created for you. Here is the first class offering. Expect a mellow, balanced flow. This one does not have music, but future podclasses will! I can’t wait to record more of this type of offering for you; stay tuned!


Vinyasa Flow